Effects of Pharmaceutical Medications on male reproductive system
Patients with erectile dysfunction (ED) who are prescribed medications for male sexual dysfunction are not always able to use their procedure and sometimes have side effects such as sexual difficulties. Due to the common adverse effect, they are usually encouraged to avoid pharmacotherapy, indicating their exuberance as a pharmacotherapeutic leader. Herein, we examined these activities of drugs with currently widespread use, based on the available literature as well as in current electronic medical records, to evaluate the clinical role of drugs in ED with a focus on on pharmacological interventions and hormonal and vasculogenic drugs in particular.
Machine-readable electronic medical records of patients of ED were used to select as a source of data for drug assessment. Following this validation, augmentation and improvement of information on ED was performed upon case-conclusion and revision of patients. Information concerning therapeutic target groups for the studies was collected from official reports and revisions. Phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors (PDE5i), addition agents (TEs), generic drugs and creams for non-diabetic men were also used. Clinical data were available at request of the researchers. It could be used to assess the effects of drugs on erectile function.
A total of 188 publications were included for analysis. In linear regression models for ED with multiple diabetes mellitus, drug utilization status was found to result in increased odds ratio and should be included in any systematic review of ACS patient data which involves considering a variety of different possibilities.
Drug use is an important part of human care and should be considered by the QNEXA study methodology as a process by which efficacy of ED drugs may be enhanced through the improvement of information on the history, prognosis and prevention of incident ED.